Intestinal parasites in dogs can cause a variety of health problems including death if they are left untreated.  Most of the worms dogs get can also be transmitted to humans.  Here are some facts about intestinal parasites in dogs, the symptoms they create and what to do about intestinal parasites if you think your dog has them.


Types of Intestinal Parasites

There are 6 major types of intestinal parasites.  They include:  hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, tapeworm and Giardiasis and coccidiosis.  Hookworms are the most common and can remain in the grass for long periods of time waiting for a host dog.  They can cause severe anemia.  Roundworms are transmitted prenatally or ingested from rats or other rodents.  They can cause bacterial infections and pneumonia. Tapeworms are the largest worms growing up to 10 feet in length.  They are often noticed in the feces.  Whipworms are hard to diagnose and see.  Giardiasis and coccidiosis are both one celled organisms that will be diagnosed by your veterinarian in Richmond.  Your dog will have diarrhea if they have a Coccidia.

Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites

The first sign your of intestinal parasites in dogs is usually intense itching at the rear end.  They may drag their behind on the floor or bite at their hind.  The eggs, larva and skin of these parasites will be expelled through the anus and can cause severe discomfort to your pet.  You will also notice your pet losing weight as the worms feed.  After that, as the infestation continues, you will notice your dog’s stomach protruding even if your pet isn’t gaining weight.  This is due to the gas the worms release inside your pet.  You may see worms in the feces.  Some worms are big, and others are small and look like a grain of rice.  You may also notice blood in the stool of your pet.  Anytime you see blood in your pets stool, you should bring him or her in to see your veterinarian in Richmond right away.

Treatment and Prevention of Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

Treatment for intestinal parasites in dogs consists of a de-wormer.  It should be given initially with follow up treatments to prevent re- infestation.  Your veterinarian in Richmond can tell you the proper medicine and dosing to ensure you will eliminate the problem.  Cleanliness is very important to get rid of the intestinal parasites.  You should keep your pets bedding clean and remove any feces from the yard.  Make sure other dogs and pets don’t defecate in your yard and to prevent getting intestinal parasites yourself, you shouldn’t walk barefoot in your yard.  Small children and infants can become severely anemic in a short period of time if they get intestinal parasites.

If you suspect your pet may have intestinal parasites, you should contact your veterinarian in Richmond and schedule an appointment.  A stool sample or other labs will help diagnose your dog.  If you have any questions about intestinal parasites in dogs, call Advanced Animal Careand they will be happy to help you.