Dr. Crabtree

Dr. Crabtree is originally from Southeastern Kentucky. She was raised by a single mother. She says her mother helped her achieve her goal of becoming a veterinarian. “My mom is honestly my best friend and I wouldn’t be a veterinarian without her love and support” says Dr. Crabtree.

Dr. Crabtree was the second person in her family to graduate college and the first to become a doctor/veterinarian.

Dr. Crabtree earned her degree from Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 2019. She discovered her love for veterinary medicine in 2012 at Advanced Animal Care where she was working an internship. She says it is only fitting that her first job after graduating vet school is back at the place she considers home, Advanced Animal Care.

She is Fear Free Certified, Rodent handling/treatment certified

She did a one month externship at the Omaha Zoo and Aquarium for further training in exotic pets and zoo animals.

She shares her home with 3 pets. A six year old female dilute torti cat named Kitana who loves to open cabinet doors at 2am as a “hobby”. A five year old female pit bull mix named Eevee. Dr. Crabtree adopted Eevee while she was working as a nurse at AAC. She was a parvo puppy and required a lot of medical attention at first, but she grew up to be the sweetest and is currently doing well. During vet school, Dr. Crabtree, adopted a male mixed breed dog named Otis. She says he likes to eat rocks when she is not looking. Eevee and Otis are best friends.

In Dr. Crabtree’s free time she enjoys playing board games with her friends once a week. She also enjoys escape rooms, art museums and visiting new places around the world.

We are thrilled to have her join our Advanced Animal Care Family!

Featured Quote:

I spent three months in Madagascar and if you're a friend of mine, you already know that.

Video Transcript:

My name is Dr. Victoria Crabtree. I had just graduated from Auburn University's College of Veterinary Medicine back in May. And I have Otis with me here today. I got him my first year of vet school. He was a special boy. I brought my other dog with me to meet him and I thought they weren't going to get along because she doesn't like other dogs, but she loved him so he joined the family. And now part of the AAC family, so you can see me there.

The best part is that I started out as a nurse there about five years ago and I was really nervous about transitioning from nurse to doctor and everything that comes with that. But all the other doctors have been really supportive. When you first get out of vet school, you're nervous, you think you don't know anything, you're trying to figure out where you fit in. And they've been really good about incorporating me back in as a doctor and teaching me how to do things and how to make that transition from veterinary student to doctor.

The best part about being a veterinarian: There so many different things, but I think my favorite part is all the variety. I have a special interest in exotic pets, so I really like to see all the different creatures. They all have their different medicine that we have to put into it. So, we treat a ferret differently than I would treat Otis here. And so I just really like the challenge and the puzzle that comes with that.

I spent three months in Madagascar and if you're a friend of mine, you already know that. But I did lemur research in Madagascar as well as some small mammal research.

I also did three months at Duke Lemur Center and then did a month at the Omaha Zoo and Aquarium. So I'm really big into lemurs even though I don't see them everyday now.

So I thought a lot about this and at first thought something like a sloth because I'm pretty lazy when I'm at home. I just like to relax. But I think really I'm more of a chameleon. I'm one of the only doctors that is really tattooed as you can see. I like colorful things. I like to be bright, but when I don't want to be seen, I like to just kind of blend in.

In my spare time, well, me and my friends we typically do a board game night once a week. We typically like to just hang out, do board games. We play cards sometimes and we also like to do escape rooms. I'm really big into puzzles, so we'll usually do that like once a month.

Mac and cheese, definitely mac and cheese. I could just eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And by itself it's totally fine.

Coffee or tea?: Tea.

Call or text?: Text.

Early bird or night owl?: Night owl.

Summer or winter?: Winter.

Breakfast or dinner?: Breakfast.

Beach or mountains?: Beach.

Sweet or salty?: Salty.

Facebook or Instagram?: Instagram.

Veggies or fruit?: Fruit.